October 22, 2024
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Read Time:3 Minute, 9 Second

By Francisca Bravo

STAS-Castilla La Mancha denounces “the deficient condition of the properties” in the historical center of the town and claims that they “put the physical integrity and the safety of workers and users of these buildings at risk”.

STAS, Administration and Services of Castilla La Mancha, the union representing the staff of the Provincial Delegation of Finance, Public Administrations and Digital Transformation of Toledo, located in number 8, Trinidad Street, in Toledo, has reported that the “dumpster” is a common sight. The ceiling of a space in which many workers of the Community Board of Castilla La Mancha offer services collapsed during the night, according to the organisation. They also regret that this is a place where “a large number of citizens” come to perform administrative procedures related mandatory taxes and duties.

Silvia Fernandez is the occupational risk prevention delegate for the union. She has stated that “structural defects” are the cause of the problems. Her complaint was made to the Health and Safety Committee, which described the “serious risks” that the employees in the building faced. The incident occurred while the building was closed, so there were no injuries. However, the report highlights that it could have turned out to be a tragic event.

The complaint also warns that this situation was avoidable, as the administration had “known of the serious problem”, but “had not provided necessary means” to resolve it. “We request urgent measures which guarantee the safety and physical integrity of our co-workers, suggesting immediate evacuation as an option,” highlights the complaint.

The Ministry of Finance, Public Administrations and Digital Transformation explains that, yes, the Regional Administration was aware of “deficiencies of property”, and a complete rehabilitation plan is in place, “similarly to the work being done on other Board of Communities buildings”. They explain in this manner that they are finalizing the project and the buildings to which the Provincial Delegation staff, approximately 50 people, will be moved, who’s move is expected to be complete by the end of next Monday.

The rains in recent days have exacerbated these defects and caused a part of the roof collapse. The event occurred at night and no injuries were reported. “The workers in the affected area were relocated to the Provincial Delegation Building itself.” They explain.

“Deficit” situation

According to the union, it had warned the Regional Administration about the “deficient condition of the building” for “years.” The union also stated that they “verified,” that these facilities did not meet minimum requirements and that “they placed at risk” the safety and physical integrity of anyone who enters those facilities.

The union claims that it feels what has happened, and “believes” “it could have avoided”, because Junta de Castilla-La Mancha “was aware of the serious problem, but did not provide the necessary resources to resolve it.”

Regional government insists on compliance with occupational safety regulations

The Garcia-Page government must comply with the current occupational risk prevention regulations.

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