The Shock Cleaning Plan was launched in Los Dolores Plaza on Tuesday 18th October. This included efforts to clean and paint the surrounding walls and playground, as well as removing herbs. The next step will involve cleaning Las Colonias’ streets and plazas using pressurized water. The plots owned by the municipal authority will be cleaned, while those that are privately owned will have to perform these tasks.
This plan is an intensive service which involves a thorough clean to complement the regular tasks. The work is divided into four parts: weeding in flowerbeds, tree pits, sidewalks and curbs, cleaning up stains caused by pet urine and chewing-gum, and scrubbing the sidewalks.
This morning, the mayor of Huelva Pilar Miranda visited the area. She was accompanied by Alfonso Castro and Marilo Pinto, the councilors for Presidency and Institutional Relations and Juan Jose Martin the president of Nuestra senora de los Dolores Neighborhood association.
The mayor stated that this plan was 80% completed. “Due to the level of dirt we found in the City, we had to intensify our actions in order to leave different streets, Squares, and Gardens in the best conditions possible. As a result, the deadlines were extended.” Miranda also emphasized that after the shock cleaning is complete, they will intensify their cleaning efforts to maintain the cleanliness in Huelva.
The president of Ntra. Sra. Sra.
Huelva City Council created a number of teams consisting of machines and operators that are specialized for each task to support the work of the driver with this machine. The Shock Plan increased the number of sweepers, a hot-water machine to clean morning spots and islands and two flushers for emergency action in the neighborhoods. In terms of staff, the Shock Plan has included a street-cleaning reinforcement team, as well as a delegate, control technician, and PreZero’s new service manager.
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